Jhipster Generator is an open-source Java-based yeoman generator having almost every possible, modern solution for any software project. It has inbuilt support for Angular, Spring Boot, Cassandra and much more. I have written some articles for solutions to problems that I faced while working with Jhipster Generator. For more information about Jhipster Generator visit the official site. For knowing about Yeoman which is a scaffolding tool, check out here.
Check out the links and let me know, about the articles and solutions.
- Get User Details in Jhipster 1
- Get User Details in Jhipster 2
- Steps for MD Bootstrap Integration
- Covert a base4Url to an image file in angular 2+
- Log in without a password in Jhipster with just username for social login
- Popup Window for OAuth Login
- Fetch Image from Url and save locally/upload in Spring boot
- Fetch an Image from Url and store locally in Angular 2+
- Add A New Profile to Spring Boot Application
- Integrating Spark With JHipster
- Importing data into Cassandra With CSV
- Integrating Google Material Theme in JHipster
- Adding Social Login to JHipster App
- Content Security Policy JHipster
- Post a file as Multipart File with Spring Boot Rest API
- Convert video to another format in Spring Boot
- Adding AWS Comprehend to Spring Boot
- Adding AWS Transcribe to Spring boot
Also Read | The right way to add code and syntax you need to know
Jhipster also has a Tips and Tricks Page. Checkout here for user-contributed help articles >>> Link
I have written all these articles, from like when I first integrated to now working. I Will be adding more articles as I write, so keep checking. Share these articles with someone who may need these. Also do let know your thoughts in the comments below.