GitHub - A Wizard Hat 1

GitHub – A Wizard Hat

First of all a huge thanks for your response of the survey. Though some of the visitor being lazy and can’t spend just few minutes of their life to fill a form and hit submit button, because they were busy in sharing and liking Memes. So I thought to teach some wonderful things that you can do with Git & GitHub, as cool as Memes.

Img: I should try Git Too

Note: This is just an informatory post, not any tutorial so Pro’s don’t waste your time here, but if you like to read innovative thoughts of my mind you may happily read this. We will start git tutorials soon, as cool as this post.

As you all know Git is Version Control Management. If you are Noobies who don’t know anything about git don’t worry we will cover all sorts of technical terms in the tutorials that we will post soon, and if you are Pro’s then you might say “Come on you are wasting

our time”. Don’t worry i won’t waste your time anymore. If you know basics of Git, and reading this post will let you think yourself as an invincible

magician, who will use his wand i.e. Keyboard and spells some magical terms like Abra Ka Dabra i.e. the magical commands starting with git …………. and see

the magic in front of your display. So let’s just start:

Project Team Collaboration Tool

As you might be aware of any project has various team units. Each unit consisting of minimum four to five members some deals with the user experiences and other deals with main logical structure of project. Each team member needs to stay updated of the changes that are performed by other team units or team member. Git not only provide solution of collaboration to

various team units, that can work separately in a single repository and later on merge their changes back to Master repository. But also provide a way to revert back those changes, in case of some undesired changes happened due to those changes. One can even argue that there is more better and simple cloud tools that we can use for this purpose, then i won’t say anything. Choice is your that you want to be mighty Wizard or just a magician who just pull out rabbit from his hat.

As a Social Media

When you heard first of the  word Social Media what you thought of first?

Instagram or Facebook posts with cool memes. Nah! Sorry that’s not a place for such things. But You might find cool Memes in the form of code of various languages. If you are lucky you may find your love there too, No i am not taking about decent charming partner. I am talking about your favorite project. So sorry, for breaking your sweet dreams. You may follow other programmers here, who had build cool projects, and learn from their projects.

As a Cloud Storage

Though there are many cloud storage services that provide you more secure and feasible option to store your private data. But there are some limitations of each cloud storage. So as Git also have, i won’t deny (not provide private repository free of cost) but if you are extremely rich , then i would say its the best option for cloud storage. The reason you will understand when you dive deeper into GitHub, and i assure you that you don’t need to go anywhere to dive more deeper into the sea of knowledge.

For Hosting Your Static Pages

Git allows you to Host your static pages that don’t need cosistent changes, free of cost. Dream Comes true isn’t it?

No Cost, and you can simply host your simple as well as interactive pages at Git without paying a single penny. You might be thinking that again i am cracking a meme. No my dear friends its true, if you still don’t believe visit Tekraze – Dive into Technology. You may find many free template on the web that you may change as per desired, if you have basic web designing knowledge. But if you don’t have the knowledge of these things, don’t worry we can create such pages at very minimal cost.

For Interactive Resume

Here come the best potion from the Hat of Wizard, for the freshers who are going to apply for a job. Everyone needs a resume that makes you stand out of crowd. Lot’s of Resume Builder site available but they charge huge sum of money for very simple resume, but if you have basic knowledge of front End Development. You may create your interactive resume yourself. I will provide you basic templates free of cost soon.

So that’s it for today, Soon you will be able to mix up potions(various Programs Snippets) spell magical words with your wand and create awesome things. As said by Mr. Gabel Newell:

The programmer of tomorrow are the wizards of the future. You are going to look like you have magical powers as compared to others.

Again Thank You for spending your time with us. Please share, like and comment. If you have any issue or doubts visit our Forum. Keep in touch with your Tekraze Family.

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