posts spreading coronavirus misinformation removed by Facebook

7 million posts spreading coronavirus misinformation removed by Facebook

Posts spreading coronavirus misinformation removed by Facebook

Lately, there has been much fake news surfacing over Facebook claiming about cures of corona or stats or allegations like coronavirus included in every fake story.

Facebook removed more than 7 million posts in the second quarter containing coronavirus misinformation that could potentially harm people’s health, the social media giant said on Tuesday. The company also placed warning labels on some 98 million pieces of dubious, but less-dangerous content on the virus, Facebook’s vice president of integrity Guy Rosen said.

Facebook has been under pressure to reduce false information on its platform and has taken a tougher stance on policing content in recent months. It recently removed a post from US President Donald Trump’s page for containing incorrect statements on the pandemic

The company said it took action on fewer pieces of content related to suicide and self-injury, child nudity, and sexual exploitation between April and June because fewer human content reviewers were working amid the pandemic…

Source — this.kiji.js

Some old news

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