So now time for Surprise, as you know Git Doesn’t allow to create a private Repository free of cost. But if You are a student then you can apply for Student Developer Pack that doesn’t only allow you to create a private repository till you are a student but also provide you free optional tools.

Git Student PackNote: This Pack is only for Student not for the professionals. So for the professionals, there is another tool that you can use to create private Repository

But Since you can’t be a student for whole life so there is an alternative to git, basically not an alternative. But works on the top of the other Version Control Tool,  that is Bitbucket | The Git Solution that allows you to create Git Repository, without any cost.


So that’s it for today. In next post, i will discuss some of the basic terminologies. Though I take lots of time to post but to simplify the things I need to think as much as I can. If i missed something or anybody who would like to add something more post your comments below or visit our Git Discussion Forum.

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Gaurav Raheja
Gaurav Raheja
Articles: 26

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