Welcome Beaver - Ubuntu 18.04 -LTS 1

Welcome Beaver – Ubuntu 18.04 -LTS

Finally the day, that most of the developers are waiting for has been arrived. No, i am neither talking about getting High Package Salary or the release of The Avenger Infinity Wars. I am talking about the latest release of Linux Ubuntu 18.04 LTS – The Bionic Beaver.

What makes Bionic Beaver different from Xenial Xerus?

I will be listing only few features that impress me a lot about Beaver

The size of ISO?

The Xenial was of size 1.4 GB while Beaver is of size 1.8 GB. So if you are New user who wants to download fresh ISO you need to spend more data to Download it. You can Download Beaver -Desktop ISO.


The Desktop Environment

Welcome Beaver - Ubuntu 18.04 -LTS 3

The Xenial Desktop Environment was UNITY Desktop Environment while the Desktop Environment of Beaver is GNOME 3. U.I. that GNOME3 offer is quite different and attractive from the Xenial.

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The Livepatch

Welcome Beaver - Ubuntu 18.04 -LTS 4

Livepatch is a service that offer security bug fixes without rebooting your system. The older version greater than Ubuntu 14.04 needs to install Livepatch manually. But Beaver offers installation by default in the beginning of the installation. You just needs an a UbuSingle Account to Set-up Livepatch.

Desktop Autorotate Feature

Welcome Beaver - Ubuntu 18.04 -LTS 5

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When you want to show your system to other just by turning your system left right or down, You could rotate your screen. just by turning your System left, right or down.

Beaver Cares about their user

Welcome Beaver - Ubuntu 18.04 -LTS 6

Beaver cares for the user and developer eyes. It offer pre-installed Night light feature. That turn Screen automatically as the night starts.

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Welcome Beaver - Ubuntu 18.04 -LTS 7

How to upgrade older version to Bionic Beaver?

You can follow the short tutorial given on their official website or just open up the terminal and type

sudo do-release-upgrade -d

These are quick introduction to Beaver there are more features that needed to be explore. You are Welcomed to share your thoughts and reviews and experience with beaver, and yeah you might face some issue with new Chap. But do rememeber…

Every Upgrade Comes with new bugs, That latter turned into feature.

Keep Visiting Tekraze..

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2 thoughts on “Welcome Beaver – Ubuntu 18.04 -LTS”

  1. Good to see a new features of Ubuntu and a new version of ubuntu 18.04..Its really amazing and provide universally great open source tools..please post a tutorial on Gimp either on krita..
    Please keep post regularly this type of posts

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