Tekraze music

When the music is On, Code Snippets Dances too

The music is said to increase performance while studying or coding. Thought that idea might be somewhat rational but, it works with me. Though it depends that your performance will increase or decrease on the kind of music you listen. When you hear music that have lyrics associated, that lyrics might distract you from work, that leads decrease in performance instead of increasing performance. But, If the music is instrumental then it might improve your performance a bit. In this post i am sharing some of the instrumental songs that you may listen while study or coding, but as i say idea is totally rational. So it may helps one but distract others too. So here you Go

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Free Code Camp Live Music

This instrumental is 24*7 free Instrumental repeat playlist and the most amazing thing is that there is no distraction in between.

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Ready to Space War

When you want to feel you are coding on a long space mission and have to design some weapons for your battleship, you may try this out.

High Beats

This one is better suitable for the time when you are tired and needs some spikes and have lots of work remaining. But never try this out when you have to concentrate too much, and use deep mind.

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Another one one you need high spikes in your performance. This might leads you dance with the beats, so only try this out when you want some refreshment from work

Last But not Least

This one is ever Evergreen, you may try this while reading while studying, while coding.

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So these are few Instrumental Music that may helps you out while working. Choice may vary from person to person but for music never, these music might helps. If you like the playlist do share with your other buddies. You might share your favorite one in the Comments below. As the exams are on the way, So good luck and remember always,

Your task is to give your best and leave the rest on the examiner,

Stressing yourself out for few marks never going to achieve more marks


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